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Wine Cellar design Stages


We are wine cellar full service company meaning we can assist you from the design stage to having an unique wine cellar with temperature & humidity control, insulation, rack and other furnitures. No matter what kind of wine cellar (commercial, home, small, custom, basement, understair or modern wine storage room) you're planing to build, the following steps definitely can give you some ideas how to plan your wine cellar which fits your requirements and budget.

Choosing a Location

For commercial wine cellars, we should ideally choose a site with the least amount of direct sunlight and vibration. The UV from the sun can destroy your collections. The site should be able to install the cooling systems because HK room temperature is too hot and is not suitable to store wine in long term.


Choosing a room for residential wine room should have same requirements as the commercial one above. Moreover, we will recommend your cellar closer to the entertainment center of your home in order to offer you and your guests the opportunity to enjoy your collections.

Wine Cellar Size Planing


Deciding the size of your wine cellar is certainly the most critical part in the wine cellar planning stage. Think about how many bottles you expect to store and whether you will store in cases as well as what kinds of bottle sizes, 750-ml standard bottle, magnum and/or others.


You might wish to consider whether you want to enjoy your collection inside the wine cellar and host tasting parties.

Temperature Control

Ideally, basements are the first choice for wine cellars because of no direct sunlight and minimal temperature & humidity fluctuation from outside. However, this option is not applicable in Hong Kong. Therefore, a reliable and dedicated wine cellar cooling system is vital to avoid high temperature & humidity variation throughout the year.


Choosing an imported wine cellar cooling systems or a local customized system depends on the purposes of the wine cellars and how important of your collections. Air-conditioner is designed for human and not the suitable cooling system for wine.

Wine Rack

Choosing the wine rack to fit your collection is another important step. You should consider the types of bottles and the packages, such as case sizes, your wine will be stored.


Generally, wine racks can be built out of a number of different materials. Wood is the most popular medium and the typical types of wood are Redwood, Mahogany, Pine, Oak and Cedar. Stainless steel and metal are other popular choices of wine racks in Hong Kong.





Insulation is one of the key factors to store your collections in long term. If your wine cellar or room is properly insulated, the inside temperature is more stable and good for wine. Also, the cooling system is operated less frequent and save energy.


The thickness of the insulated wall depends on the materials. The common materials are PU Foam (Polyethylene) and fiberglass material in Hong Kong market.

Door & Windows


There are many options for decorative doors, but make sure your door is good in insulation and is fitted to form a tight seal.


We won't recommend window for commercial wine cellars due to security concern and direct sunlight. If really need to make windows, make sure it's an insulated panel of glass.

Lighting & Flooring


Since the wine cellar/room is environmentally controlled, heat release may be a concern. LED lights are the most suitable and cost-effective solution for wine cellar. LED releases much less heat than traditional lighting products.


Flooring options are abundant. Most common are natural stone materials. Ceramic or porcelain tile, limestone, marble are all acceptable.

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